這個一看就是應徵工作的自我介紹, 所以我就用自我介紹的語氣翻譯

My name is xxx. I am 25. I live in Banchiao city with my parents and a younger brother, making a 4 people family.

I graduated from xxx University with Bachelor of Chemistry Engineering degree awarded.

前兩段不是重點, 盡量簡短即可

I am easy going and nice. I like making friends. I am also very pleasant to work with according to my colleagues' comment.

此處注意, 隨和友善, 愛交朋友可以是自我認定, 但是與同事相處融洽, 這個不能自己說了就算,聽起來是自我感覺良好的大頭. 所以此處改為 "同事覺得跟我相處很愉快"

I enjoy learning history. I see history a good behavior reference that guides me avoid possible wrong doings.

I also speak and write fluent Japanese, for 2nd language is the global trend.

英文沒有 "learned a little Japanese" 這類的語言簡介, 暫譯 speak and write (通常會寫就會讀, 所以 read 不用說), 可視情況調整此句. 注意句首用 also. 如果缺 also 則暗示我除了中文就只會日文, 那意思是英文很爛, 這是自己挖洞自己跳.

My job is factory operator. It's a stable job but I am looking for next career escalation. I work hard and enjoy challenge in work due to the accomplish associated. Even the most difficult issue, I believe that I would find a solution. I believe I am capable of this job.

"operator" 在英文中有很多意思, 總機也是這個字, 暫譯 factory operator, 如果工作不同請再修改. 注意我使用 "accomplish associated" 不用 "training associated". 公司不是拿來練功的地方. 老闆更關心的是成果. 後面特別用兩次 believe 是強調性用法.

Thank you very much for your time and your kind consideration.

中文說感謝聆聽, 但此句不能直翻為 thank you for listening. Listening 是有點像學生聽老師, 或是心理醫生聽病人那樣的握著手, 用心聆聽. 一般來說不會在 group interview 中出現. 請多指教也不宜直翻為 please comment. 音文用到 please comment 是真的要提出意見, 有點像 "我講完了, 請給點意見吧!" 這樣的話. 所以暫譯為較常見的 time / kind consideration.

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